Sex toys are becoming more and more popular. A couple of my friends work for Bellingham escorts, and have what they call “spare” business online selling sex toys. Of course, the girls know a lot about sex toys, and I think that helps. Personally, I had not tried sex toys until my friends at Bellingham escorts from told me about them but now I am really into, and I have invested in a few sex toys.
I think that the first sex toys all girls should invest in is the vibrator. The vibrator and the dildo seem to have been around for ages, and my friends at Bellingham escorts say that they do sell a lot of them. They are very popular with bisexual and lesbian couples, but they are also very popular with solo players. More and more of us are getting into solo play, and to enjoy it, you really do need to have the right sex toys. Over the recent months, I have really come to appreciate my sex toys.
On top of that I think that it is really cool what you can do with remote control sex toys these days. I know that they are still very specialized, but one of my friends at Bellingham escorts says that it has saved her relationship. Her boyfriend works away from home, and she says that without remote control sex toys, there relationship would have hit rock bottom by now. Thanks to new technology, they can still share intimate experience and I think that is great news for all of those sexually starved ladies and men out there. Being away from each other can be such a nightmare.
There are other sex toys that I like as well, and I am certainly very keen on all of the sex toys that can be controlled via your phone. Fancy sitting on a London bus controlling your friend’s vibrator at the same time. I really love that idea and I think that if I had lesbian partner, it would be one of the options that I would go for. I know plenty of Bellingham escorts who have invested in both the sex toy and the app to play with their partners.
But what does the future hold for all of us when it comes to sex? Most of my friends at Bellingham escorts think that we are going to see less physical intimacy, and we are going to get into more stuff like virtual reality sex. At the moment, it is not really working that well, but there are some games out there which allows you to do the cyber nasty with a friend in cyber space. However. sexual virtual reality games still have some way to go, but in the not too distant future, I am pretty sure that we will be able to come up with some really good virtual reality, mamma, let’s call them relationship games. I am sure that this could even be the new generation of virtual reality games out there, and that we may even get a real kick out of them.