Don’t for one moment think that all London escorts at London X City Escorts are the perfect mistresses when it comes to the art of seduction. When I joined London escorts I was fairly young and did not really have a clue when it came to seducing a man. But as they say, you live and you learn. Of course, how you seduce a man all depends on the man that you are planning to seduce. Men are as different as women when it comes to seduction, and you need to go with the flow. Then again, there are some things which work on most men.
I have lost count of the number of girls at London escorts who think that you can’t seduce a man with food. If you happen to have the slightest little bit of talent when it comes to the kitchen, you should offer to cook for your man. It may make for the perfect fifth date. By that time you will know more about him. A fail-safe when it comes to cooking for men, is normally to prepare a nice steak for him. Sometimes, I even keep oysters in the fridge of my London escorts boudoir. Nothing like a glass of champagne and a few oysters to get a man going.
What about sexy lingerie? Sexy lingerie is bound to get the most hardcore “ you-can’t-seduce-me guy” going. It does not have to be black, but most men that I have met privately or at London escorts seem to like black lingerie. Make sure that you choose a frilly version at the same time. I love buying lingerie just for me and for my London escorts dates. It is always best to go for a top quality brand. Spending more money on lingerie will make sure that you look sexy at the same you look classy. Most men like sexy and sophisticated ladies when it comes down to it.
So what about sex toys? Initially, there are some men who may get excited by sex toys. You see, this is why it is so important to know your man. Men either get really excited by sex toys or they get put off by them. A few men that I have met think that I am trying to tell them that they are not good enough in bed. That is not true at all. As far as I can tell, men enjoy good vibrations as much as women do. Maybe you should not break out the sex toys in the first instance. But after you have been playing together for a while, I think you should try to introduce them.
Even though I have been with London escorts for about ten years now, I would not proclaim that I am an expert when it comes to seducing men. But, I have certainly learned a lot at London escorts. Working for an escort service in London can be a rather steep learning curve when it comes to men. Some senior London escorts are happy to share their dating experience, others are not. I think that we should learn how to share more to give both new London escorts and other ladies an insight into how to seduce men.